- Version
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- File Size 19.14 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 4th January 2021
- Last Updated 4th September 2024
2024-09-04 v15.1.25
- TackGybe table context menu: multi select Tack gybes, right click, delete
- When downloading OBA cloud app events, session name from the app now goes to the boat config comments, not the Event/Location property
- Improved polar interpolation before tgTwaUp and after tgTwaDn
2024-07-30 v15.1.21
- Removed track highlight colouring (secondary track colouring)
- Some rework of TimeGraphs
- Big rework of TackGybe properties. Removed gain graph, display average lines in graphs
- Fixed a bug with legend of track colouring whilst in ChartFocus
- Fixed a bug with time scroll bar not working when entering a chart focus
- ConfigFileManager->File Format tab: new button ‘Use LogCleaner config’. This will configure the time and gps pos variables according to what the user set as an output format in the LogCleaner
- ConfigFileManager: in OtherVariables tab, added Quick set decimals and Quick set type buttons
- Added search function in ConfigFileManager->Other variables tab
- In ConfigFileManager, OtherVariables tab, you can now import configuration from LogCleaner using Menu->Tools->Other variables-> Import config from LogCleaner config file (TEAM version only)
- Fixed a bug when getting events from the OnboardAssitant mobile app cloud where ManualEntry events were not inheriting from the previous state correctly.
2024-07-01 v15.1.7
- Corrected bug with phase table when exiting chart focus.
- CloseUpViewer now remembers user selected units for distance to line
- Fixed MlitivarGaph where VMG% had Nan values and no data got plotted
- Fixed a bug where timegraphs was not remembering user specified y-axis ranges
- Added BSP_trg% in phases table
- Possibility torename a ChartFocus (MainMenu->Tools->ChartFocus)
- Added TackGybe table quick access button on left icon ribbon
- Corrected a bug when setting times for a course mark to be visible or not (offset)
- EventsTable: you can now select mlitiple events (by keeping the SHIFT or CTRL key down) and right click to delete all of them at once
- XYGraphs: if you create mlititrends and then change the X or Y variables, the multitrends are automatically recreated
- No longer need to create an Excel first to copy DailyComments into a WebReport. There is now a specific menu to copy them to clipboard so they can be pasted in a webreport html cell.
- No longer need to create an Excel to paste a Photo report into a WebReport. There is now a specific menu to copy them to clipboard so they can be imported as a tab in a webreport.
- Corrected a bug causing errors in the calculations of ΔBspPol and ΔBspPol%
- Corrected a bug causing Calibration report to malfunction when there was no HEEL in the log
- Corrected bug for phase colouring on track
- Added more sailing mode icon types to phase table
- In PolarManager: trgBsp/twa/vmg vs tws graphs -> implemented point highlighting
- Getting OBA cloud events no longer requires having a log and config file
- Fixed bugs with MSAccess and MySql where PRO version didn't have geoSpd and geoHdg
- Fixed bug with DistanceUnits not being presistent
- Fixed a bug in XYGraph delete points from zone
- Fixed a bug in side axis scroll bar of TimeGraph
- Implemented a chart zoom factor in Main options->Chart tab->Chart sub-tab which lets the user specify how big or small the zoom steps should be (only works for zoom in/zoom out button, not for mouse wheel)
- When getting OBA cloud data, user now gets alerted if the cloud data contains new BoatConfigs and whether they should be added to the ConfigFile
- Allow gps close to 0º (for simulator data where boat.x and boat.y gets converted to lat=0 , lon=0)
- Corrected bug with getting oba app events
- Fixed bug where boatwidth was completely wrong
- MySql database: forced database name lower scale and start with a letter
- Fixed bug for PRO while filter/create normed phases
- QuickPhase chart context menu added to all users (used to be SuperUser only)
- Phase table-> right-click MultiBoat report fixed
- XYGraph favourites, use presets taskbar menu to remove favourites
- Corrected bug where creating normed phases didn’t take in account user asking for no change of text variable
- Killed bug that closed the ‘Create normed phases’ when pressing enter having entered a new stability number
- Fixed a track colouring bug
- Corrected bugs where XYGraph wouldn’t create single trendline if only one sail present
- Corrected bug where VMGGraph multitrends couldn’t be edited manually
- XYGraphs favourites cleaned up at startup (don’t leave presets with undeclared vars)
- XYGraphs: if plotting AWA or AWS vs TWS then you can now show polar line
- ConfigFileManager: new tab ‘User notes’ (they can also be read from RRP Menu->Tools->Data->View ConfigFile user notes)
- OBA cloud: when admin downloading data from another user, remember the list of emails
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